- It's Judgment Day, you know? (Brendan Gleeson)
- No. What's that then? (Colin Farrell)
- Well, it's, you know, the final day on Earth, when mankind will be judged for the crimes they've committed and that. (Brendan Gleeson)
- Oh. And see who gets into heaven and who gets into hell and all that. (Colin Farrell)
- Yeah. And what's the other place? (Brendan Gleeson)
- Purgatory. (Colin Farrell)
- Purgatory... what's that? (Brendan Gleeson)
- Purgatory's kind of like the in-betweeny one. You weren't really shit, but you weren't all that great either. Like Tottenham. (Colin Farrell)
(In Bruges)
Bugün bir ‘taç giyme’ töreni var
Bugün *Trump*, Roma imparatorlarının taç giyme törenlerine rahmet okutacak
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1 gün önce
2 yorum:
çok sevdiğim Ralph Fiennes ile bu filme kadar pek sevemediğim Colin Farrell ı karşı karşıya getirmiş, aralarına da Brendan Gleeson ı sıkıştırıvermişler.. gerçekten çok hoş filmdi, o ing aksanıyla:)
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